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血栓形成是指在血管中形成血块. While clots can form in an artery or a vein, this article focuses only on clots that occur in veins, called venous thrombosis.

血栓, 或“血栓," blocks or impairs blood flow in the vein, leading to 症状 和 secondary complications.

血栓形成 can happen for no apparent reason, but it is often associated with an inherited predisposition to blood clots, surgical procedures, 不动, oral contraceptive use or underlying medical conditions. Medical conditions such as 怀孕, 癌症, inflammatory bowel disease, certain rheumatologic disorders肥胖 are known to increase your risk for thrombosis.

血栓形成 often occurs in the legs. 当它影响到深静脉——而不是你能看到的皮肤下的浅静脉——它被称为深静脉血栓(也称为深静脉血栓)。, 或深静脉血栓形成.

栓塞(EM-bo-lizm)是指血管因血块或其他物质而突然阻塞. Unlike a thrombus that develops at the site of blockage, 栓塞起源于身体的一个部位,并移动到另一个部位,在那里它导致阻塞. 最常见的栓塞之一发生在肺部,称为肺栓塞(PE)。. 肺栓塞通常来自深静脉血栓形成的腿部或骨盆区域, 和 they can be life threatening.

Our approach to venous thrombosis

The main treatment for deep venous thrombosis, or blood clots that form in the deep veins, is anticoagulation therapy. 抗凝药物可以防止血栓形成,并阻止现有血栓变大, as the body works to clear the clot on its own. 一小部分患者还需要在从腿部通往心脏的大静脉中插入过滤器, to block any future clots from reaching the lungs. 加州大学旧金山分校的十大赌博平台排行榜级血液学家和介入放射科十大赌博平台排行榜一起工作,提供这些过滤器的专家插入和移除.

For mothers-to-be who are at particular risk for blood clots, 我们的血液学团队与加州大学旧金山分校专门从事高危妊娠的产科十大赌博平台排行榜密切合作. 这种伙伴关系在怀孕前、怀孕期间和怀孕后提供了最好的治疗.

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迹象 & 症状


The legs are one of the more common sites. 体征和症状包括疼痛或僵硬,肿胀和发红在受影响的腿. The discomfort may start anywhere from the upper thigh to the ankle. 如果你的腿上有血块,所有这些体征和症状都不需要出现. Often, patients experience only swelling 和 some discomfort. 如果血栓或血栓的一部分进入肺部——肺栓塞——你就会感到胸痛, shortness of breath or lightheadedness.

Some patients receive drugs or fluids via catheters placed into veins. 导管可以刺激导管附近和周围静脉的血栓形成, called a catheter-associated DVT. Because the catheters are usually located in an arm or in the chest, such a thrombus can lead to arm or neck swelling, with or without pain.

患有炎症性肠病和某些血液疾病的患者,包括 myeloproliferative neoplasms 而阵发性夜间血红蛋白尿,有时会在腹部静脉形成血栓. This is called a mesenteric venous thrombosis. Mesenteric venous thrombosis sometimes causes abdominal discomfort, but may have no associated 症状.


An 超声波 检查是诊断腿部或手臂血栓最常用的检查方法. A CAT(或CT)扫描这是一种复杂的x射线,通常用于诊断肺栓塞. CAT扫描也是诊断腹部血栓最常用的方法, 骨盆和头部.

A thrombosis in the chest, 有时在进行CAT扫描时由于不同的原因发现腹部或骨盆. 对于这些偶然发现的血栓,患者和十大赌博平台排行榜需要制定个性化的治疗计划.

In addition to finding the clot itself, 诊断评估有时包括血液检查,这可以帮助解释血栓最初发生的原因. Some of these tests look for specific genetic changes, others look for antibodies in your blood, 还有一些检测帮助你形成和清除血块的蛋白质的数量或活性.


抗凝是治疗深静脉血栓和肺栓塞的基础. Anticoagulation medications reduce the body’s ability to form blood clots. Some people call anticoagulants "blood thinners," but they do not actually "thin" your blood, they impair its ability to clot.

血 vessels get small defects as part of everyday life, 和 the clotting system patches those defects to prevent bleeding. 当你割伤自己时,凝血系统也负责止血. 抗凝治疗的目标是找到一个中间地带,当你的身体需要凝血时,你可以继续凝血, 同时还能防止血栓或栓塞恶化. 这是, 抗凝治疗旨在防止新的凝块和现有凝块的生长, 而你身体清除血块的自然系统——被称为“溶解”或“溶解”系统——会清除血栓或栓塞.

传统的抗凝治疗包括肝素或肝素类药物通过静脉或皮下注射, followed by an oral medication called warfarin (Coumadin). 服用华法林的患者需要通过INR血液测试进行定期监测. 新的口服抗凝剂正在出现,不需要定期血液检测监测, 其中一些不需要静脉或皮下注射抗凝剂. 现在, 然而, most DVTs 和 PEs are treated by medicines given by vein or under the skin, followed by an oral anticoagulant, most commonly warfarin.

In some circumstances, patients need a physical device, 一个“过滤器," inserted into the large vein that leads from their legs to their heart, called the inferior vena cava. The filter serves to block any future emboli from reaching the lung. While only a small fraction of patients require such a device, UCSF拥有十大赌博平台排行榜一流的介入放射科十大赌博平台排行榜,他们与我们的血液学家密切合作,在需要时提供专家插入和移除这些过滤器.

对于有或有血栓倾向的产科病人, UCSF血液学家与UCSF高危产科十大赌博平台排行榜密切合作,在产前提供最佳治疗方案, during 和 after 怀孕.

加州大学旧金山分校健康 medical specialists have reviewed this information. 它仅用于教育目的,并不打算取代您的十大赌博平台排行榜或其他医疗保健提供者的建议. 我们鼓励您与您的供应商讨论您可能遇到的任何问题或疑虑.

Recommended reading

血液学 和 BMT Resource Guide

本血液学和骨髓移植(BMT)资源指南提供有关疾病和治疗的信息, 就业, insurance 和 more.

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