


Blood pressure is a measurement of the force on the walls of your arteries as your heart pumps blood through your body.

你可以在家里测量血压. You can also have it checked at your health care provider's office or even a fire station.

Alternative Names

Diastolic blood pressure; Systolic blood pressure; Blood pressure reading; Measuring blood pressure; Hypertension - blood pressure measurement; High blood pressure - blood pressure measurement; Sphygmomanometry


坐在椅子上,靠背. 双腿不要交叉,双脚放在地板上.

你的手臂应该得到支撑,这样你的上臂就在心脏的水平线上. 卷起袖子,露出手臂. 确保袖子没有缩成一团,挤压你的手臂. 如果是的话,把你的手臂从袖子里拿出来,或者把衬衫全部脱掉.

You or your provider will wrap the blood pressure cuff snugly around your upper arm. 袖口的下缘应为1英寸(2英寸).5厘米)肘部弯曲上方.

  • 袖口很快就会膨胀起来. This is done either by pumping the squeeze bulb or pushing a button on the device. 你会感到手臂发紧.
  • Next, the valve of the cuff is opened slightly, allowing the pressure to slowly fall.
  • As the pressure falls, the reading when the sound of blood pulsing is first heard is recorded. 这是收缩压.
  • 随着空气不断排出,声音就会消失. 声音停止的点被记录下来. 这是舒张压.

Inflating the cuff too slowly or not inflating it to a high enough pressure may cause a false reading. If you loosen the valve too much, you will not be able to measure your blood pressure.




  • Rest for at least 5 minutes, 10 minutes is better, before blood pressure is taken.
  • 压力大的时候不要量血压, 在过去30分钟内是否摄入过咖啡因或吸过烟, 或者最近锻炼过.

一次读2到3本. 读数间隔1分钟. Remain seated. When checking your blood pressure on your own, note the time of the readings. Your provider may suggest that you do your readings at certain times of the day.

  • A typical approach is to take your blood pressure before breakfast and dinner for 5 days.
  • This will give you at least 10 readings and will help your provider make decisions about your blood pressure treatment.


You will feel slight discomfort when the blood pressure cuff is inflated to its highest level.


High blood pressure has no symptoms, so you may not know if you have this problem. High blood pressure is often discovered during a visit to the provider for another reason, 比如例行体检.

Finding high blood pressure and treating it early can help prevent heart disease, stroke, eye problems, or 慢性肾病. All adults 18 years and older should have their blood pressure checked regularly:

  • 40岁及以上的成年人每年一次
  • 对于高血压风险较高的人来说,一年一次, 包括超重或肥胖的人, African Americans, 以及血压升高120/80毫米汞柱或更高的人
  • Every 3 to 5 years for adults aged 18 to 39 years with blood pressure lower than 120/80 mm Hg who do not have other risk factors

Your provider may recommend more frequent screenings based on your blood pressure levels and other health conditions.

Normal Results

血压读数通常是两个数字. For example, your provider might tell you that your blood pressure is 120 over 80 (written as 120/80 mm Hg). 这些数字中的一个或两个都可能过高.

Normal blood pressure is when the top number (systolic blood pressure) is below 120 and the bottom number (diastolic blood pressure) is below 80 (written as 120/80 mm Hg).



  • Your provider will recommend lifestyle changes to bring your blood pressure down to a normal range.
  • 在这个阶段很少使用药物.

如果你的血压是130/80或更高,但低于140/90毫米汞柱, 你有1期高血压. When thinking about the best treatment, you and your provider must consider:

  • 如果你没有其他疾病或危险因素, your provider may recommend lifestyle changes and repeat the measurements after a few months.
  • If your blood pressure remains 130/80 or higher but lower than 140/90 mm Hg, 十大赌博平台排行榜可能会推荐治疗高血压的药物.
  • 如果你有其他疾病或心脏病的危险因素, your provider may be more likely to recommend medicines to treat high blood pressure and make lifestyle changes.

If your blood pressure is 140/90 mm Hg or higher, you have Stage 2 high blood pressure. Your provider will most likely recommend you start medicines and make lifestyle changes.



It is normal for your blood pressure to vary at different times of the day:

  • 当你在工作时,它通常更高.
  • 当你在家的时候,它会稍微下降.
  • 通常在你睡觉的时候是最低的.
  • 当你醒来时,血压突然升高是正常的. 对于高血压患者来说, 这是他们患心脏病和中风的风险最大的时候.

Blood pressure readings taken at home may be a better measure of your current blood pressure than those taken at your provider's office.

  • 确保你的家庭血压计是准确的.
  • Ask your provider to compare your home readings with those taken in the office.

Many people get nervous at the provider's office and have higher readings than they have at home. 这被称为白大衣高血压. 家庭血压读数可以帮助发现这个问题.


美国糖尿病协会网站. 10. Cardiovascular Disease and Risk Management: Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2022. Diabetes Care. 2022; 45 (Supplement_1): S144-S174. diabetesjournals.org/care/article/45/Supplement_1/S144/138910/10-Cardiovascular-Disease-and-Risk-Management.

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美国心脏协会(AHA)美国医学协会(AMA). Target: BP. targetbp.org. 获得于2022年7月25日.

Ball JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA, Solomon BS, Stewart RW. 检查技术和设备. 收录:Ball JW, Dains JE, Flynn JA, Solomon BS, Stewart RW,编辑. 赛德尔体格检查指南. 10th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2023:chap 3.

Bakris GL, Sorrentino MJ. 全身性高血压:机制、诊断和治疗. 见:Libby P, Bonow RO, Mann DL, Tomaselli GF, Bhatt DL, Solomon SD编. 布劳恩瓦尔德心脏病:心血管医学教科书.12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier; 2022:chap 26.

惠尔顿PK,凯里RM, Aronow WS,等. 2017 ACC/AHA/AAPA/ABC/ACPM/AGS/APhA/ASH/ASPC/NMA/PCNA guideline for the prevention, detection, evaluation, and management of high blood pressure in adults: a report of the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Task Force on Clinical Practice Guidelines. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2018;71(19):e127-e248. PMID: 29146535 pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29146535/.

Review Date: 07/25/2022

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